Secure load

A hardworking self-employed who finds a robbed van, a truck driver who finds a forced container, a driver who finds a robbed car. This happens more and more often nowadays. The cost of the stolen working materials can rise high.

Therefore, M-protect offers a couple of solutions to avoid such inconvenience. Get more control over access to (the load space of) your commercial vehicle with the following solutions.

oem-lock - M-protect - Secure load space - Secure cargo - Secure vehicle - Secure car

OEM Lock

Secure the loading compartiment of your vehicles by automatically closing the standard vehicle locks as soon as your door is closed.

basiclock_slide - M-protect - Secure load space - Secure cargo - Secure van

Basic Lock System

Secure the loading compartiment of your vehicles with a basic electronic lock.

limolock_slide - M-protect - Secure load space - Secure cargo - Secure van


Secure the loading compartiment of your vehicles with the highest standards in electronic locks available on the market.

Use cases with our solutions

Light Commercial Vehicles

Secure the loading compartiment of LCV with our Basic Lock security solution protecting quick-theft while unloading or burglary at night. Our Basic Lock will secure the door from the inside with a titanium steel pen remediating unauthorised access by violating the door. Once the door closes the pen will automatically lockdown the door.

Transport of valuable goods

When transporting valuable goods the M-Protect products can be combined to guarantee the highest level of security for your goods and driver. Our loading compartiment security solutions prohibit unauthorised access, while our vehicle security solutions prevents from vehicle theft or car-jacking.
All of our products can be combined to a fully integrated anti-theft solution.